comrade@internet > whoami
Hey there! I’m Loshana Aloka (he/him, aka aCursedComrade), an IT student from Sri Lanka. I’m generally interested in all things cyber but my goal is to specialize in system administration and system/infrastructure security. I love to tinker around with networking and systems related stuff and love to share my experience I gain from that as well.
I’m open for any junior or internship job opportunities at the moment. I’m looking for a position on technical support, developer operations (DevOps), systems management or defensive cyber role if possible. You can view my curriculum vitae (CV) (partially redacted) (and the usual cover letter) to know more about me. I appreciate having a supportive employer that can help a student like me to keep learning and gain a foothold in the field.
- Brief resume:
- You can contact me quickly through:
- E-Mail:
- acursed_comrade [AT] (PGP:
@ - acursed_comrade [AT] (PGP:
- acursed_comrade [AT] (PGP:
- Jabber (XMPP)
- @acursedcomrade on Discord
- E-Mail:
- You can find me on these platforms (I can be inactive on certain platforms*):
Here are my public keys:
- For PGP keys, see e-mails above
- SSH key
Support me
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